Pourquoi calculer l’empreinte carbone d’un jeu vidéo ?
Since 1 March 2025, it has been compulsory d’évaluer l’empreinte carbone des jeux vidéo pour prétendre aux aides du CNC, comme le fonds d’aide aux jeux vidéo ("FAJV").
There are a number of tools available for carrying out a carbon footprint, including the Jyros tool developed specifically by and for the video games industry. However, using these tools effectively requires specific training and time.
How can I calculate the carbon footprint of my video game?
The first answers you need to provide to calculate the carbon footprint of your video game will seem relatively simple (such as the type of video game being developed or the hardware specifications required).
However, calculating the carbon footprint of video games involves not only the games themselves, mais aussi et surtout les ressources humaines et matérielles utilisées pour les développer. La précision de l’empreinte carbone dépendra donc de votre capacité à fournir de nombreux détails sur la vie de votre entreprise (les trajets effectués et le mode de transport utilisé, l’achat ou la location de matériel informatique neuf ou reconditionné, etc.)
Entering this information amounts to carrying out a specific analysis of your company's accounts. The accuracy of the carbon footprint will therefore depend on the level of detail with which you identify and report the information within the tool.
Bigwhoop calculates the carbon footprint of your video game
Bigwhoop can calculate the carbon footprint of your video game and, more broadly, of your company's activities. As well as freeing up your time, we guarantee an independent and accurate analysis of the elements required to present a reliable carbon footprint that can be accepted by public authorities.
We have analysis tools specific to the video games industry that have been tried and tested in particular to ensure fast and efficient accounting analysis of expenditure eligible for the video games tax credit ("CIJV").
Bonus Stage 1: The carbon footprint is not enough to apply to the Video Games Fund. You also need to write and present a summary document. BigWhoop can do this for you (find out more about writing an "FAJV" application).
Bonus Stage 2: Applications to the CNC's video game fund require a 3-minute on-camera presentation of the game. These few minutes are a very short time to present your game. It is very important to maximise the effectiveness of this presentation. The agency can write your speech and record and edit the video (more about video creation).
Bonus Stage 3 : During your pre-production phase, we recommend that you produce a realistic market study in advance to help finance the production of the game (more about producing a realistic market research).