Interview Toco


Can you introduce yourself and the Toco studio?
Toco is a small PC and console game development studio in Rennes, currently in pre-production on its first title.

How did you hear about BigWhoop?
BigWhoop was recommended to us by a friend.

How would you rate the effort you had to put in to help BigWhoop with the market research?
We participated in several meetings to share the vision of the game with BigWhoop, iterate and validate the different steps of the process, and then produce video content that can be presented to the public and visuals for a website.

Were you satisfied with the work and support provided by BigWhoop?
Yes, serious work and good pedagogy on their approach and the results of the study.

What did the market research actually do for you?
It allowed us to quickly measure the effectiveness of the game's USPs with a large audience. We were thus able to validate the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal and define possible areas of improvement for the game (strengthening certain USPs, re-evaluating the production budget and the price of the game in relation to the estimated acquisition cost).

It was also very informative on how to evaluate your game to the public on social networks.

Would you recommend BigWhoop to other companies?
Yes, without hesitation!
