Why calculate the amount of your video game tax credit ("CIJV")?
Calculating the Video Game Tax Credit (called "crédit d’impôt jeu vidéo" or "CIJV" in French) allows you to benefit from a 30% refund on the expenses related to the development of your video game. In theory, this calculation may seem very easy. You add up all your expenses, apply 30% and you're done! In practice, it is not so simple...
The General Tax Code specifies the details of the calculation of the "CIJV". This code indicates the expenses eligible for the "CIJV", but also the methodology accepted by the tax administration for selecting, restating and prorating expenses. Although these rules may seem clear, they are open to interpretation. Only a solid experience of this scheme can anticipate the reactions of your tax office.
Avoiding mistakes when calculating your video game tax credit
During the development of your video game, you will use various resources, both human and material. The time spent on each of these resources for the production of the video game must be consistent and justifiable.
To give you a few examples among many others from past experience, a studio director who answers many press interviews will find it difficult to justify working full time on the production of the game. A server shared between data from your previous game and the game in development will not be able to benefit from a valuation for 100% of its cost. The overall bill for a freelance community manager who in reality divides his time between writing articles to praise the merits of the game and collecting technical opinions from users will have to be arbitrated.
The eligibility and utilisation rate of each resource should be assessed. Analysis of your invoices is essential to determine whether they can be valued within the "CIJV". Your accountant will generally not have anticipated this meticulous analysis. As a result, he will have the greatest difficulty in rendering the arbitrations requested by the tax authorities.
BigWhoop calculates and secures your video game tax credit ("CIJV")
BigWhoop works alongside your accountant. We carry out an in-depth analysis of your expenses and optimise the "CIJV" with other subsidies or tax credits. Our experts, specialised in the video game industry, carry out this analysis for you.
Our agency works with all types of studios, from independent studios to studios belonging to large groups. BigWhoop ensures the traceability of all arbitrations. We can answer questions from your various contacts, including the tax authorities. A few weeks after you apply for a "CIJV" refund, your tax office will ask you to justify the amounts claimed. If you do not provide a clear explanation, your tax office may reject your claim and delay your refund for several months.
Bonus Stage : it is also important to anticipate the normal timeframe for the "CIJV" to be reimbursed by the tax authorities, which may extend beyond 6 months. How can I get the money just a few weeks after the "CIJV" has been calculated? We have a network of financial partners who are able to make advances on the amounts requested from the tax authorities.